hubble huskie pta banner

Hubble PTA invites you to join us to make a difference in education and in the lives of our children.  The PTA is one of the largest volunteer organizations in the world with over six million members, including parents, students, teachers, school administrators, and community leaders.

Your children will serve as our next generation of leaders, thinkers, and doers.  At Hubble, they will have many opportunities to learn, grow, and lead, and the Hubble PTA contributes the funds necessary to provide our children with learning opportunities, extracurricular activities, sports, and so much more. Join the PTA to support your student's growth and adventure. Have more say and get involved! With you as part of the Hubble PTA - we will make a difference! 

2024/2025 Hubble PTA Officers

  • President - Kellie Mowinski

  • Vice President - Johanna Ferrara

  • Treasurer - Sara Martino and Emily Synal

  • Recording Secretary - Angie Ryan

  • Corresponding Secretary - Meghan Gualtieri